Thursday, March 29, 2007

Generic Thursday Thirteen!!!!

Because I'm to lazy to go get that fancy header!!!

Thirteen Song In My iPod I wouldn't let my buddies know are there!!!!

1. 4 Celine Dion songs ( Power of Love, My Heart Will Go On, It's All Coming Back To Me Now, Because You Loved Me )

2. 8 Elton John songs...

3. 4 John Denver songs

4. Marky Mark and The Funky Bunch

5. Man In The Mirror - Michael Jackson]

6. Cracklin' Rosie - Neil Diamond

7. A Groovy Kind of Love - Phil Colins

8. Waterfalls - TLC

9. Go Rest High On That Mountain - Vince Gill

10. We Built This City - Starship

11. Sussido - Phil Collins

12. River In The Rain - Big River Soundtrack

13. Miami Vice Theme Song

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


SO last Friday on my way to work at 3:30 in the morning, I found myself with some pretty little blue lights tailing me! Now I'm not going to complain to much because I was in the wrong by doing 76 in a 55, really not as bad as it sounds if you knew the area it happened. At any rate, just minutes before this a guy blew by me doing well over 85 mph, but does he get busted NOOOOOO!!! So to top it off I am very polite with the officer, everything ending in SIR ( like my momma taught me ), thinking maybe he'll have a little sympathy for me. Huh, I fully expected the ticket, but the kicker was after being nice, al he had to do was lower it 2 mph and it would have saved me about $35. Thanks for nothing, pal! So C is telling D2 the story and D2 thinks I'm in jail and starts crying and calling for me. At any rate, the girls think it's a big joke now and everytime we go somewhere I get "it sure feels like we're going fast". I know a lot of people don't get tickets in a lifetime, but one every ten years ain't so bad. And if dad should happen to be reading this, no I didn't figure out how much time it saved me by going that fast!!!!

If I knew how to "tag" I would do so to my sister so she can share her, Atlanta pulled over story!

Until next time, be safe, slow down and don't worry about being nice if you get pulled over!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

The "talk"......

The other night I was in our playroom with our girls coloring, which is a nightly ritual we do just to talk together while G puts Z to sleep. Anyway, C out of the blue I really need to talk to you, I said ok what's on your mind? She says, how do you make a kid? Totally took me off guard and the world seemed to stop spinning for a minute. I thought to myself how do I explain this so a five year old could understand? I proceeded to explain a relationship between a man and a woman and they make a commitment to each other before God then they decide to have a child together. She stops me suddenly and! I know all that already I want to know HOW a kid is made! You know that already?! What are they teaching you in Pre-K I wondered??!! Now what do I I went into a further explanation naming the "private parts" of the male to which D2 chimes in and says...I know what that is Daddy, Z and Uncle D has that! Uncle D?? How did he get into ths conversation?? I know he would be happy that D2 thought about him but not like that!! Oh lord, heaven help me with this. I kept myself together and said yes, that's right K and tried to move forward with this as soon as possible. I got to the female explanation and thought I was doing pretty good when I noticed C had lost all interest because Dragon Tales came on TV and K was humming some song by Tim Mcgraw.
SO, back to coloring I went and was saved by Dragon Tales and Tim........until next tme.....

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Sharing my "monster"....

After reading my SIL's blog I realized just how my life has been impacted by the word cancer. As I was growing up I had a best friend named Susan, we did everything together, went on family vacations, sleeping at each others house, going to each other's churches just inseparable, her family was my family and visa versa. Her mother was so loving and I remember how she was friends with everyone and was always smiling and laughing, not a person you would think would be dealt a bad hand but she was. I'll never forget the day I was told she had cancer, I was about 14 years old. I had heard the word before but never really paid attention to it until then. In that year I watched this woman I considered my second mom go through the painful treatments of chemo and radiation, losing her hair, her skin burning, throwing up constantly and her body blowing up like a balloon and through it all she still had a smile for everyone. In less than a year cancer had taken her life, I was never the same after that experience and neither was my beloved friend....they moved away. Years later I visited her at Ithaca College and it was just like old times, sister of sorts...she graduated with high honors. That thread of cancer will always tie us together...

The next was my wonderful Grandmother, we were very close and I loved her more then I could ever express. She decided she did not want to go through the chemo treatments and died a painful death. It was excruciating to watch but was so relieved when she passed because I knew she was in a better place and free of pain. I miss her to this day.....

Years later it would be me that was diagnosed with the big "C"...knowing what I knew about cancer, my first reaction was that I was going to die. I went through a lot of depression and a lot of mental emotion that took me to some dark places. I eventually overcame and won the battle but it has taken years to do so and had to really focus on "life".

Through my working years I have seen cancer take the lives of good people, friends diagnosed and there loved ones lost. Cancer does not pick and choose it's victims, it's a mystery and unfortunately has no meaning. It is something on some level to which we can all relate to and maybe someday we can find what causes this monster to attack.
For the sake of our children and the lives of there children, may we demolish all forms of cancer....

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

We get the hint!

Ok,so it's been a while AND Dan has psoted a couple times since we did. So the going's on at Lancer have been many an I'm sure I'llforget some, but here's my best synop, ah hellthe best I can remember!

We made it through another soccer season. This was D2's first season and onceshe got the hang of it she really enjoyed it! Her age group didn't play any official games although they did scrimmage the last couple of weeks. Al she was concerned with was getting a trophy! And here's the big moment

D1 enjoyed her 2nd season and really started to get the hang of the game. Her skills picked up dramatically and she scored 4 or times this season. She absolutely loves soccer, cometo think of it I think it's sports in general she loves.
Z is well, Z! As C says "he's a full time job"! I never thought a kid could be so active. There isn't a chair, couch, ottaman, slide, couch or table he hasn't climbed on! He's the happiest little boy and greets me everyday I walk in the door with the "Z Happy Dance" and then insist I chase him around the house for the next ten minutes. I have a feeling in a couple of years I'm gonna have a "shadow" every where I go, but I look forward to it.

As for me and mommy, we're chugging along! I've started a project of refinishing our front door and it has turned out to be more of a chore than we first thought, but it will look a heck of a lot better when complete. We're excited at the news that D is going to be moving back to Florida and going after his dream of working in real estate. We wish him all the luck in the worl and have no doubt he will be successful in his endeavor. like I said I'm sure I left some things out and am sure my dear mother ( no she really is awesome ) will point them out to me!! Love ya MA!!! Ok I'll end it here, no promises when I'll be back, but hopefully sooner than later. Have a good one and ya'll come back now ya hear....

Wednesday, March 07, 2007