Sunday, September 24, 2006

Gooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll !!!!!!!!!

As you all may know D1 has been playing soccer and enjoying it greatly. At first she was a little timid, but has become more and more aggressive as the season has carried on. Welllllll yesterday she finally broke through and scored a goal and narrowly missed scoring two more. The play was a thing of beauty as you will read. She starts off deep in the mighty Blue team's area ( she's on the Blue team), she gets it on the right side of the field and heads up field all alone. Dribbling much like Pele or Henry she "jukes" one defender, blows by another and then heads for the goal. Upon approaching the goal she sets up and gives it a good boot. Bending it like Beckham into the upper left hand corner of the goal just over the finger tips of the diving goalie. Mayhem ensues she runs to midfield and rips off her shirt much like Chastain.

Ok, ok there is no goalie, no juking of defenders or ripping off of shirt, but she did score and I'm very proud of her and she is really enjoying playing. Great job D1!!!!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Monday, September 11, 2006

C's MEMORY.....

As I sit here reflecting back to where I was 5 years ago I'm flooded with memories...I was at work drinking my morning cup of coffee watching Good Morning America, when breaking news broke through the usual chatter. A plane had just flown into one of the twin Towers...watching the smoke pour out of this building I remember thinking how could a plane crash into the twin tower? How does an "accident" like that happen? Just then I saw the second plane fly right into the other tower and realized with the rest of America, this was no accident. I sat frozen in my chair and what seemed like everything went into slow motion as the reporters aired that America was under attack. Then they announced a third plane had flown into the Pentagon....I felt sick to my stomach and fearing the safety of all America. I remember putting my hand on my stomach somehow trying to protect the child that was growing inside of me wondering what the future holds in store for this innocent baby. I wanted to gather my family around me but couldn't so the telephone was the next best thing to closeness....
I will never forget that day nor the feelings that went through my body like shock waves. Don't take your family for granted, cherish the times you spend together and love each other.
Pray for the families who lost there loved ones and for all the ones fighting to keep our country safe.
Let us NEVER forget......

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Where were you?

I'm sure it is a question that will get asked a lot the next couple of days as we remember the tragic events that unfolded 5 years ago. So I'll start with answering my own question.

Myself and C where living in Andover Apartments in New Tampa. She had gone to work already and I woke and turned the TV on. Well at that time our cable company had it set to when you turned the TV on it came on Bay News 9. As the TV came on I was greeted to breaking news that a small plane had crashed into one of the towers. No big deal. So I sat on the balcony having my "morning coffee", when the second plain hit. Of course we all know the story from here. I called in "sick" to work and stayed glued to the TV for the entire day.

9/11/2006 should be a day when we can put aside political affiliation, war stances, races, religions or creeds and stand together as AMERICANS and honor those that lost their lives on that faitful day 5 years ago. Be proud to be an American.


Thursday, September 07, 2006

Now I know what I miss...

So today was a rare day that I was actually able to be home before 5 o'clock, which is good because I enjoy the time with my wife and kids, but I now know what I miss. As I'm sitting having a conversation with C a voice rings out from the back of the house, "Mommy can you come wipe my butt because I pooped"!!!! Are these the type things they talk about missing when they grow up???

On another note, Z took four steps today!!!

Until next time, happy blogging

Sunday, September 03, 2006

No rest for the weary...

So now not only is my mother on me about blogging, my wife is joined in!! SO I figured I better get something up! As I've stated before things are very busy and there's been a lot going on. D1 is doing great in school, she's really catching on to the writing and coloring. The have chapel on Tuesday's which she really enjoys. She has already memorized the Pledge of Allegiance. There is a gymnastics teacher that offers her services once a week for a small fee so we signed D1 one up and her first "lesson" was last week. She seemed to really enjoy that as well. Soccer is going good and she's starting to get more and more into it. She really kicks the ball well when it's just me and her, but seems a little timid when she gets on the field. D2 is doing good, going through a little rough patch here where everything upsets her, but I'm sure it's just a stage. She really enjoys music and singing and often is heard singing herself to sleep at night. S1 is really growing and talking. You can really start to see his motor skills starting to develop. He can now get up and stand on his own without any "crutch". I'm sure it won't be long before he takes that first step. Football is going. We've had 2 games and are 1-1. We lost to my brother and sisters alma mater this past Friday night which isn't good because they had lost 18 straight games. We have a bye week this week, so hopefully we can fix all the mistakes. This probably sounds a lot like my last entry, but that's what's going on, things don't change a whole bunch around here. Hope everyone is doing good. Until next time, happy blogging...