Monday, November 27, 2006

It's been a while......and I've beentagged!!!!

Well where to begin? It's been a while for a few reason, but the biggest being that our computer crashed for a few weeks. Things are pretty much the same so I won't go to in depth as my sister and mother seem to be the only ones that read this and they know the going's on!!! but I was tagged so I'll go ahead and play a long...

The A-Z Meme

A - Available/Single? No, married 4 years to a beautiful woman!

B - Best Friend? Justin

C - cake or pie? steak

D - drink of choice? diet dew

E - essential item you use every day? cell phone

F - favorite color? navy blue

G - gummyy bears or worms? bears

H - Hometown? born and raised in Tampa, Fl

I - indulgence? sports

J - January or February? Jan my bday

K - Kids? 3.....2 girls 1 boy

L - Life is imcomplete without? family

M - Marriage date? oh boy...which one? Nov. 16, 2002

N - Number of siblings? 2 bro and sis

O - Oranges or Apples? Apples

P - Phobias/Fears? tight spaces!

Q - Favorite Quote? "Keep your Eye On The Ball"

R - Reason to smile? Life

S - Season? Football

T - Tag Three People - ummmmmm

U - Unknown fact about me? In my younger years I was a Chippendale...

V - Veggie you don't like? carrots

W - Worst habit? smoking

X - Xrays you've had? growing up playing sports there's been plenty!

Y - Your favorite food? Pizza

Z - Zodiac sign? Aquarius, whatever that means


Anonymous said...

You are SO funny...a Chippendale, huh??? I'm sure some other people read your blog could've tagged Dan.

:-) Susan

Dan said...

Uh....I read your blog AND your cousin Lynn has tagged me, I am guessing for the same thing.