Monday, July 31, 2006

Making Gwama proud!!!

So I threw out the question previously ( if I knew how to do that cool little link thing I would ) about whether we are rednecks or not. Wellllll, I think we may have further proof, imagine that. So I taped the CMA special that was on last week and decided to watch it this weekend. So, not only can my kids pick out Bud and Miller trucks on the road and sing "Save A Horse Ride A Cowboy", they have now added a few more songs to their repertoire ( had to look that one up ). Let's see they now know "Summertime" and "Livin' In Fast Forward" by Kenny Chesney and "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk" by Trace Adkins. This is were grandma will be SO proud. So here are some of the words to the song:

Got it goin' on
Like Donkey Kong
And whoo-wee
Shut my mouth, slap your grandma
There outta be a law
Get the Sheriff on the phone

So ofcourse the part they like running around and singing the most is "...shut my mout, slap your grandma..." Gwama it's not ALL my fault, you raised me in Homossasa...

I do enjoy them liking music thought as I love it myself. Unfortunately I didn't get ANY musical genes what so ever. I have always said that I think I would have loved to live before TV when you sat around and listened to the radio on Saturday night's, that just sounds so neat to me. Well that's it for now. Happy Blogging!


Susan said...

You guys are just SO DARN funny!!!! Give them a big hug from me...and hooray to their Daddy for looking up the word "repetoire"!!!! ;-}

Anonymous said...

Well...Gwamma's not so sure about this one!! Can't wait to hear them and their new found lines!! We'll be home late tomorrow night or early Fri. See all you rednecks then!! By the way..I wouldn't have used that line..EVEN in Homosassa!! :-)
LY...M in Lexington

Lynn said...

Too funny....Gwamma, you should be proud;-) I hope you are videotaping these performances!