Our eldest daughter's 5th birthday is coming up here shortly, so we decided to take her to Sea World. There were quite a few of us that went for the day and I think we had a pretty good time. Some were smart enough to get a room for Friday night so they didn't have to fight the traffic Saturday, my crew wasn't the "smart" one! Getting started a little late plus an accident put us over there around 11 instead of the intended 9:30. Once there it was time to roll and it was non-stop from the start. We started off with the Stingray pool then worked our way around the dolphins, manatees and then on to our first show. After the show we finally gave into the kids and headed to "kiddie land" so they could
play in the water. And play they did!!!! Next it was off to the wonderful Believe show featuring Shamu. 
It was a day
full of fun and ended with the kids on the trampoline/bungee cord "thing". To our surprize C & M did fine with this.
We ended the day around 7:30 and headed home! This was a fun return as Z decided to start "spewing" everywhere. We made it home safe and sound and the adults are flat wore out. the kids, well that's a different story!
It was a fun day...and this G'ma for sure has been "bushed" today. But it was well worth it to see everyone having such a good time.
Thanks for letting me share it!
LY all...M/G'ma
We had a great time. The pics turned out great, too. I hope to have ours posted tonight sometime so you guys can see them.
Sounds like I really miss a lot being in Ohio these days. But, I knew I had to "give up" a lot to move to Ohio. I hope my Florida Family understands. And, I DO miss you all.
Remind those great grandkids of mine, once in a while, that I still love them and miss seeing them. Great Gramma Callahan
I want you all to know how VERY MUCH I appreciate your love for me and to our family. I know Rick would be so proud of the family who made those long trips just to be "there" to show your love for Rick and our family and friends.
I still have a problem believing that this has happened, and think maybe it is all a bad dream. And, I will wake up and find it so. BUT, no, I find it is very true, and will have to deal with it.
Sandy is picking me up this afternoon after, Uncle Marv goes on his hunting trip. We probably will go to the cemetary, and then go eat somewhere. Dick has a very very bad cold. He did good last night at the Palace, but sure doesn't feel good today.
Ya'll take care of each other...and I love you all very much...Grandma Callahan
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