Thursday, March 29, 2007

Generic Thursday Thirteen!!!!

Because I'm to lazy to go get that fancy header!!!

Thirteen Song In My iPod I wouldn't let my buddies know are there!!!!

1. 4 Celine Dion songs ( Power of Love, My Heart Will Go On, It's All Coming Back To Me Now, Because You Loved Me )

2. 8 Elton John songs...

3. 4 John Denver songs

4. Marky Mark and The Funky Bunch

5. Man In The Mirror - Michael Jackson]

6. Cracklin' Rosie - Neil Diamond

7. A Groovy Kind of Love - Phil Colins

8. Waterfalls - TLC

9. Go Rest High On That Mountain - Vince Gill

10. We Built This City - Starship

11. Sussido - Phil Collins

12. River In The Rain - Big River Soundtrack

13. Miami Vice Theme Song


Greg and Christie said...

Only you know that on #1, My heart will go on, has very special meaning to me.....
And what's up with #9! You trying to get on your mom's good side or something?!

Susan said...

Yeah...VINCE is in your iPod???? I'm proud of you for being so "eclectic"!! Have a great weekend.

:-) Susan

Anonymous said... you do appreciate good music even when it is VINCE! Gonna see him tomorrow night so I'll be sure to tell him :-) Now..Elton John and Phil Colins??!! THAT really blows me away!! Love Cracklin' Rosie too! And no Hank or "You Neven Even Called Me By My Name!!??
And now I have to admit I actually thought it was C's list at first!
LY...and your music...M