Sunday, September 10, 2006

Where were you?

I'm sure it is a question that will get asked a lot the next couple of days as we remember the tragic events that unfolded 5 years ago. So I'll start with answering my own question.

Myself and C where living in Andover Apartments in New Tampa. She had gone to work already and I woke and turned the TV on. Well at that time our cable company had it set to when you turned the TV on it came on Bay News 9. As the TV came on I was greeted to breaking news that a small plane had crashed into one of the towers. No big deal. So I sat on the balcony having my "morning coffee", when the second plain hit. Of course we all know the story from here. I called in "sick" to work and stayed glued to the TV for the entire day.

9/11/2006 should be a day when we can put aside political affiliation, war stances, races, religions or creeds and stand together as AMERICANS and honor those that lost their lives on that faitful day 5 years ago. Be proud to be an American.



Susan said...

Great post, G! You're right, it was that "sick to your stomach" kind of a day.

And we should NEVER forget it.

Anonymous said...

Great reflection...G! It was definitely a day none of us will forget...and shouldn't for that matter.
It's so scarey to think that it could have happened much closer to our homes. And how would we have reacted. Even though our everyday lives keep us pretty close to one another...I worry about how "far apart" that can be in a disaster. But we have to continue to live our lives and not let the terrorists win!!