Tuesday, July 11, 2006

My Front Porch Looking In

I'm not sure if others do this, but often times when I hear a song it causes me to reflect on my life and how it relates to my life. Evrytime this song comes on I can't help but think about how fortunate I am to have the wife and kids that I do. Recently I have come to realize that while it hasn't turned out exactly has I dreamed it back in high school, my visions of what I wanted to do have started happening. It all started happening about 5 years or so ago when I met my lovely wife and has let to a wonderful time in my life, that has produced the three most beautiful children in the world ( no debating, please :-) ) and a person in my wife that I didn't think existed and the wonderful home that we have built together and one that I can look at and being extremely proud of ( although Papa's racing trophy is the best decoration in the place ).

Yet another part of my vision is the fact that I have recently started coaching football at my alma mater Gaither with my best friend from my high school years. Coaching takes a lot of time and there is no pay, YET! I can't tell you how important CC has played in supporting my dream to return to football as a coach. It's very important to have a spouse that supports your thoughts, dreams and ideas and I have that in her. I'm sure she's tired of hearing how a guard should pull on the trap play or the endless phone conversation I have with Coach E, but her support is very much appreciated. Football has always been a part of my life and this chance to be involved with it and to help make a difference in young mens lives, as many coaches did for me, is an opportunity that I cherish deeply. I will keep you up to date on the season of the Cowboys through out the year.

For the time being I'll be on my front porch enjoying the view looking in.


Susan said...

Awww....now that's just SWEET, Greg!!!! I'm sure she's in puddles somewhere.

Anonymous said...

I'm very proud of how much you realize those important things in your life. What would we do without those good old country songs?? I'm so glad that you have the opportunity to be back "into" football as I know it's another "love" as well. Thanks a lot for another "kleenex blog" moment!