Sunday, June 25, 2006

Horsing Around Saturday!!!

Started off with the usual Saturday chores, I mowed my neighbors yard and my yard. Yes I know not much horsing around there, but then it began. You see we are trying to do team building with the football team and to get them involved in things outside of athletics. So, I've taken on the role of getting this set up. Well one of the events is that we are going to do some volunteer work for a farm that does horse back riding for the disabled. Yesterday myself, D2 and Coach E went to the farm to look and see what they had for us and get the details ironed out. The lady proceeds to tell us how well trained the horses have to be and how MILD MANORED they are. Kayla being the kid she is wants to see the horsies, no problem just go and feed them a carrot, pet them and be on our way after all they are MILD MANORED. WRONG ANSWER, sort of. See we did feed them a carrot and Kayla did pet one, well as I was holding her the horse reaches around and bites the ever living *&^@ out of me on the shoulder and about knock me over. Thank goodness I was holding D2 in the opposite arm. Me being the tough guy I am shake off the bite and proceed to get out of there. Get home to "lick my wounds" and discover a nice tennis ball size bump along with teeth marks adorning my shoulder. So I tell this story to people and I get the same reaction, laughter!!! Tha pretty much ends that part of the day....

The second part of the day goes on to answer my question from the title of yesterday's entry. Myself, D1 and D2 went out to a party at my cousin's house. Complete with a make shift beach, some sand and a blow up pool, slip and slides, corn hole and lots of bud light and country music, hunting dogs and four wheel drives o'plenty. Now you think what fun for the kids, well water activities weren't intended 100% for the kids!!! My girls forgot their suits at gwama's house so they slipped and slided in shorts and NO SHIRTS!!! Since D2 got both sets of clothes wet she closed out the party with just a pull up and a shirt that read "I'm Allergic To My Sister". All in all it was a fun time and we're keeping our fingers crossed for a very good friend of mine and his wife as they might be pregnant. Peace and love.


Susan said... might be a redneck if.....

Sounds like you guys had fun...hope to see you this afternoon.


Dan said...

I did not know horses ate meat.