As you may know our clan andG'Ma went to the River House forthe weekend. Homosassa had there boat parade Saturday night and it was more then what we expected, being the Reds as they are. Some of the boats were gorgeous and the displays extremely colorful but it was led by a singing Elvis.......can't take the redneck out of Homosassa. Anyway, we had a great time and it gives us a chance to go to the River House again before she's gone forever. For those that don't know the house is up for sale : -( Our kids as well as us love it there and will miss it dearly.
This week is turning out to be a busy one. I'm going to D1 school to decorate cookies and crafts with her class, then Thursday night will be her first Christmas program at church and Friday her last day of school, she has a secret Santa party. Saturday is D2 Birthday and we'll take her to Sea World and have a party for her on Sunday afternoon and on Monday we're off to Orlando to an ICE exhibit which is suppose to be awesome. Still have to finish up Christmas shopping as well and find time to wrap it all! But through all the craziness I have to say I love it all for this is my life and a great one it is........
For all the madness in your lives may you find the time to enjoy every bit of it..